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Lean In to Chill Out

new mama Jan 16, 2017

I recently published an article in the Huffington Post about Sheryl Sandberg’s book ‘Lean In’. One area of the book I found fascinating was the concept of how many hours mothers will spend ‘focused on their children’. The fact that nowadays in the States, an employed mother spends roughly the same amount of time on primary care activities (defined as routine caregiving and activities that foster a child’s well-being, such as reading and fully focused play) as a stay-at-home mother did back then, needs exploring! 

I go through the research which looks at exclusive maternal care versus child care, and the impact that has on a child's development. Fascinating stuff! 

Here are a couple of paragraphs from the Huffington Post article...

"Much of Lean In made my mind run wild, filling myself up with inspirational content. If you haven’t read it yet, I’d highly recommend the book, for both men and women alike. It’s an easy, quick read. If you aren’t familiar with the concept, in a nutshell, it’s around women’s progress in the working environment, and why they have not achieved as many high-level, leadership roles, as their male counterparts. In essence, Sheryl looks at ways of empowering women to ‘reach their full potential’. 

...Sheryl talks about how society today seems to be creating this definition of a ‘good mother’, as ‘one who is always around and always devoted to the needs of her children’. Sociologists call this relatively new phenomenon “intensive mothering” (another term is helicopter parenting), which has ‘culturally elevated the importance of women spending large amounts of time with their children’. Some would argue that this intensive mothering is not beneficial to the child, the mother, or indeed to society."

If you'd like to read the article in full, just click below. Please do share it on Facebook using the buttons on the left! As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts :)

Check the Huffington Post article out here...

If you are pregnant or have had a new baby, explore my online 7-week Prenatal Yoga & Birth Preparation Program, and my  5 - Week New Mama Postnatal Recovery Program.

Chat again soon,

Helen x


Helen Plass is a Pre & Postnatal Fitness Specialist, and Yoga Instructor, working with women and their birthing partners to achieve a comfortable, healthy & happy journey into Pregnancy, birth and Motherhood. She is known for her very practical & non-judgmental approach to pregnancy and the crazy times of motherhood. Check out all her communication at NurtureMamas.com, and if you are in Ireland, her local business MumandBaby.ie


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