Diastasis Recti (D.R.) is a separation of the main abdominal muscles at the front of the abdomen. They become stretched during pregnancy because of the internal pressure of the growing baby.
Do you have this gap? For several women, they really don't know if they have it but may be suffering from back or pelvic pain, mild incontinence, or just have a 'pooch' belly that they can't seem to shift potentially for years after having their babies.
Watch the video for the simple test to see if you have this gap in the abdomen.
I'm delighted to be releasing a D.R. Restore Program on 1st July, which will focus on specific exercises designed to help close your abdominal gap (and find out the surprising exercises you should NOT be doing!). By preordering before 1st July, you can get 50% off the price!
Watch the Video & Learn More Here...You may not even be aware that the cause of your back pain could potentially be a weakness and separation of the core tummy muscles. Find out and say goodbye to your back pain for good!
Have you been doing 'tummy exercises' but to no avail and you still have that little post-baby 'pooch'?! Follow the tailored D.R. Restore Program to get rid of the pooch and feel strong again.
Strengthen the body once more after it has been weakened during pregnancy, with specific exercises designed to strengthen your entire core, the trunk of the body, which will minimize any pelvic and back pain, and restore you back to full strength again.
50% there...